TC.13 Publications

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TC.13 Publications

Publications of IFIP Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (IFIP TC13)

(As of January 2001)

INTERACT Proceedings (title: Human-Computer Interaction)


Publisher: IOS Press, (website:

Edited by M.A.Sasse and C. Johnson
731pp., hardcover, ISBN 0 9673355 0 7
Price:  Eur 113.44 / £74 / $US 115.00

Note:  Vol. 2 available from distributor: email: [email protected]


Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers (website:

Edited by S. Howard, J. Hammond and G. Lindgaard
736pp, hardcover, ISBN 0 412 80950 8
Price:  Eur 228.50 / £160.25 / $US 246.50  (30% discount to IFIP member societies)


Publisher: Chapman & Hall.  See Kluwer Academic Publishers (website:

Edited by K. Nordby, P. Helmersen, D.Gilmore and S. Arnesen
436pp, hardcover, ISBN 0 412 71790 5
Price:  Eur 250 / £175.75 / $US 270.00 (30% discount to IFIP member societies)

INTERACT ’93 (also named INTERCHI ’93)

Publisher: IOS Press, (website:

570pp, hardcover, ISBN 90 5199133 9
Price: NLG190 / £70 / DM170 / $US $98.00

Other IFIP TC.13 Proceedings

Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers (website:

Edited by A.Sutcliffe, P. Johnson, and J. Ziegler
1998, 224pp, hardcover, ISBN 0 412 84270 X
Price: $US 140.00   (30% discount to IFIP member societies)

Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers (website:

Edited by S.Chatty and P. Dewan
1999, 392pp, hardcover, ISBN 0 412 83520 7
Price:  Eur 228.50 / £160.25 / $US 180.00  (30% discount to IFIP member societies)

Engineering for HCI

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers (website:

Edited by C. Unger  and L. Bass
1996, 384pp, hardcover, ISBN 0 412 72180 5
Price: $US 161.50  (30% discount to IFIP member societies)